Displaced Homemakers

A woman who, after managing a household for years, is forced by financial necessity to find a wage-paying job. This blog is intended for the women who feel that their lives have been hit by a tornado, their tomorrows may experience a hurricane and their nights are sleepless. This blog is for the women who need to rebuild their lives, no matter the age and no matter the circumstance and for the women who needs to find resources, gather support to feel that they are not alone.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Feedback and Postings For Job Hunting

Susan Brannon
5 September 2011
Post One
age discrimination on jobs and the high cost of insurance for older workers

    I worked for Sorenson Photography for 17 years and was laid off before people after me were hired. My employer was heard to say he wanted younger workers in the studio.He even gave me a glowing letter of recommendation so i know it wasn't my quality of work. He even told me my work was great! I've since learned that the insurance companies charge hundreds of dollars more a month for health coverage than they do for employees in their 20's. (I was wondering why at job interviews they weren't even giving me the time of day, Now I know and no I'm not ugly) Now employers fire or lay off older workers to get rid of the high cost of health insurance and hire younger workers who as I can see aren't as dependable or experienced. The employers also turn to employment agencies so they don't have to pay for employee benefits or keep the employee. Younger workers in the work force aren't noticing this trend and I try to tell them to start saving money now because you never know. Even my nephew who is 42 graphic designer is considered old and my nephew who is 30 is considered old in his work.

    People think that just because you are an older worker that you have all kinds of retirement money or savings that you should be able to quit work by the time you are 50 or around there but that's not always the case with older workers. Lots have no retirement or not enough for one reason or another. It seems like a lot of people just don't care about this problem either. I purposely look around when I go out shopping or just in places of business on my errands and look or count how many older workers I see and I'm always disappointed to see the majority are younger workers. Like 10 to 1.

    My sister works for an employment agency in California and she sends out well educated, well experienced, well dressed , and great personalities peoples to job interviews and the potential employer calls her back and tells her to send them someone younger. and she informs them that comment is against the law. Discrimination. So then they put it in their job description some job skill that an older person couldn't do to use as discrimination like lift 70 or something that keeps the older worker out but I have to say I've seen young workers in Costco that I could out work any day. Just because they are young doesn't mean they are in shape.

    Oh and yes I do believe in God and regularly talk to Him about the work situation but that doesn't mean you're going to get a solution. In fact life as a christian can be much harder because you don't conform to the world and Jesus said 'take my yoke upon you" and I wouldn't say His yoke is light. But there are many other benefits in being a believer that I wouldn't give up for anything.

    And Yo some people don't have the finances to retire already...

the response?
    37 So far in life either under or unemployed

    Just retire already....maaan.
Post Two

A 61 year old makeover plan

TODAY,there is a paradigm shift from marketing to religion. Let our lives be updated.

In 2007, we lost 3 homes from foreclosure. Our financial problems started when my husband, my daughter in law and my other son lost their jobs.Since we are a family all these problems had a domino effect. We started living on rented rooms/house separately. We lost our credibility with our children. Worst, our rented house was foreclosed and we are being evicted. Is this a true story? It is.

My husband and I decided that he goes back to our country, study LVN, teach and try to sell our property . I promised to send $1000 monthly and started looking for a job as a babysitter, caregiver, a director of religious education and a math teacher but was not hired.I worked in Pasadena as an environmental engineer/chemist for 10 years.When my son got involved in the gang I opted to stay at home and saw my son joined the military. Last year I got an environmental engineer worka fter 13 years of not working but that only lasted for 3 months. On different occassions, a friend loaned me $1500, my brother in law, $2000 and got $2000 from the pawn shop. I enrolled myself on a Certified Nursing Assistant 20 day program which costs $1200.I decided to give away our good furnitures and fixtures for a donation.My 2 children give me $100 monthly allowance. Why am I sharing all of this? Because I believe that we are forgetting that there is a God who loves us, who will provide for all our needs.

Post Three

So I am in school with only 4 month coop and 6 months left of school to get my Civil Engineering/Environmental Protection Diploma. No way can I find a job other then on the end of a shovel while my classmates are all working. Well those under 40 anyway.

I'v had employers like government agencies make comments like "your not what we expected" and of course I didn't get the job. Proving age descrimination is a farce, so don't waste your time.

My solution: Become a burden on society! If enough of us do it maybe some action will be taken since the "youngins" can't afford and don't want to help. Do these people realize they will get old too? Man I can't wait to crap on them.

So work your network, of what unemployed boomers?

I'm so disgusted and I feel I have just wasted $20K+ on a college education. Grrrr I can't even find work at 15 cents on the dollar from what I used to make. I guess we are going to end up making like hippies living about a hundred to a room. Can't wait for that.

I think the answer may come from political pressure, after all we boomers make up the largest part of the population. So when it comes time to vote remember that you should vote for a party or individual that promotes employment and does not descriminate against boomers.

Post Four

You have to think young , present yourself as a young, innovated , current , person aligned with where the world is today and bring your experience into this world. I do Business Consulting for a Fortune 1000 company , I joined the company 18 months ago ,leaving another company for more money! I have been consistently employeed both in the US & Europe and have changed jobs a couple times since I turned 50. It can be done & I know a lot of people who have done it. At the age of 57 I decided I wanted to move to London England to work for a couple years, I did it because I found an opportunity and presented solutions to problems & brought innovation to the company that hired me. I do not have an MBA but I have a positive attitude and a how can I do it attitude!


Post Five

    The fastest growing jobs for "old timers"

    I'm a trained accountant but was not able to break into the field when I got my degree at 37 due to two facts. #1 the companies I tried wanted females and especially not males over 25. #2 a little thing called the Vietnam Conflict (Harry Truman's and LBJ's money pit) kept me from going to college early enough. I should have stayed in the Corps since my job was so critical due to IQ(130) required, but as a married man, I tried to keep my family together. As to training in the military, my job was also controlled by the Fed who is the worst age discriminator in the Nation and gets away with it. As I was told by the "Simple" Service, "We (the government) make the laws but we don't have to abide by them" The field I was in in the Corps was changed from a highly school trained position to an OJT position by LBJ and military training, unless one carried extra points, was not a help. I am working part-time, freelance in a labor intensive industry at the age of practically 65 and now with the down turn, my $25, $37.50, and $50 dollar per hour job is only gleaning around 20k annually. Unlike the scum that would not pay their mortgages and reduced the value of my home with foreclosures in the neighborhood, I have been responsible and paid my debts not ony on time but ahead of time and now carry a 782 credit score, FOR WHAT? no bailout for high interest rates unless, as my mtg co has told me, I wait until my mtg is 90 days behind which at this point would be Feb of 2011. All I can do without going back to school, which I cannot afford, is continue to eat one meal per day, work every hour I can squeak out of the several companies I do work for, and hope that I die suddenly without a lingering illness that would put me on the streets under a bridge somewhere. I had to take SS early due to this situation but the $12,500 annually from that, before Jimmie Carter's taxes, only pays the mortgage. As to the reference to AARP, people forget that that organizatioon is run by 30 and 40 something liberals that have no idea what they are talking about. Now with BO's attempts, and he will continue to try, Veteran's health care will soon be a thing of the past. If people think that Fed Health Care will be so good, look at the VA farce and then make that judgement. The average citizen without military service thinks the VA is so great, then they can go in for an appointment and wait hours past the appointed time to see, not a Doc, but a PA or a nurse. As to disability benes that we worked for and put our lives on the line for, they are a joke until one reaches a 60% disability or better. My 20% that I have fought for now 42 years and just got(Jan 2009) is a ripping $243 per month and will probably not go higher because I bear the pain and continue to work in a job usually done by 20 to 40 year olds (and still outwork them).
Related Articles:
Tips on How to Find That Job
How to get a job using LinkedIn
LinkedIn Profile Tips
Job Search:  Don't Apply Online
How to get a job using LinkedIn
LinkedIn Profile Tips
Job Search:  Don't Apply Online

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