Displaced Homemakers

A woman who, after managing a household for years, is forced by financial necessity to find a wage-paying job. This blog is intended for the women who feel that their lives have been hit by a tornado, their tomorrows may experience a hurricane and their nights are sleepless. This blog is for the women who need to rebuild their lives, no matter the age and no matter the circumstance and for the women who needs to find resources, gather support to feel that they are not alone.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Steps Towards Discovering Your Vocation: Step 2

Negative Traits
Start a new page in your journal and title it Negative Traits.  You will be going back and adding to this page as you go along.
  • Write down your negative traits that limit your life.
    • As you go about your day, observe your negative thoughts and actions that may limit your personal growth or block your movements.
    • As you find answers add them to your list and do not worry about what you can do about them yet.
This process may take some time, but do not worry about it. Don't fret about your negative traits, just simply observe them and write them down on your list as they are revealed to you.  Later you will come back to them and start to cross them off your list while you develop new thoughts!  I must mention that while writing down negative traits may leave us feeling a bit "hopeless" and in despair.  Just remember, these traits can be overcome in time and every single human being that walks and breathes upon this earth has something to deal with and you are not alone, strange, weird, or incapable of growth.  Growth is what life is all about.  My mother is 94 years old with a sharp mind, and she is still learning and growing!  What excitement it is for us to have the ability to improve our lives and grow forever learning and taking steps towards personal enhancement!

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