Articles on how to save your hard earned money, pay off your credit cards, so you can take that long deserved holiday!
It is important to stay on top of the economy, our banks, prices, and foods. This way we will not be taken by surprise, and can learn to live on less, meaning, learning what it is that we "need" vs what we "want". If you are like most of us, we seem to working harder and harder but never getting ahead. Food prices keep going up, rent prices go up, interest rates go up but our paychecks remain the same. During these times, there is not much that we can do but to learn how to live differently and save so we can enjoy the things that are important to us.
Electric saving tips: Costs on appliance usage in your home
30 More Money Saving Tips - With a little effort, these really work!
Tips on how to save up to $800 per month! - No Kidding, while I was writing this article, I did some math and I could not believe that if we step back a bit, and "control" ourselves, we can really save up to $800.00 per month. Let me know if you use any of these tips!
What you can do with Borax and save - Instead of buying 5 different kinds of house cleaners, buy one product that does them all. Borax costs around $5.15 for 76 oz. It is known as a laundry Booster, but it can do much more.
Economic Armageddon and You (Video) - I am not trying to scare you with this one, but it is important for us to remain aware of what is going on around in, in spite of our busy lives.
How to Pay Off Credit Card Debt and Live Without Them - If you follow the simple rules that I lay out in the article, before you know it, your credit cards will be getting lower and lower and can live without them. I have lived without a credit card for 15 years, and I am proud of it! I have not had to worry anymore. With a little work and sacrifice, you can do the same. I know, I did! This article combined with the how to save up to $800 dollars per month, may well get you started on the right road.
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