If there is anything I have learned about human beings and energy, it is this:
We are like sponges in that we absorb whatever energy is around us; this is why we have to be so careful what and who we surround ourselves with.
If you don’t yet buy this, just think about that friend of yours(we all have them) who thinks he or she is stupid because that’s what they were told their whole life: they are really some of the most intelligent people you or I have met. And remember this: as much as anyone tries, it is impossible to separate or compartmentalize your life so that your business life doesn’t affect your personal life; energy cannot be limited like that.
When we are young and fresh out of school, we don’t always think we can pick and choose our first job because the “energy feels right.” More often than not, we have financial and personal constraints(family obligations, school loans, car loans, etc) that dictate our choices. So for most of us, at one time or another, we are going to be exposed to a brutal form of energy in the workplace that could and does wreak havoc with our minds and bodies. When we have these experiences, we absorb this energy with different effects on our emotional/physical bodies. As a result, a certain amount of pain accompanied by a variety of “dis-eases” may occur.
People talk about genetic pre-disposition to certain diseases: I don’t buy it- I have a different take on things: I think that whether or not we actually develop a particular “dis-ease” is (of course based upon energy absorption), and is more a factor of affinity, proximity, and frequency of association. That means that the value system and energy of the people we are closest to at work and home could be getting us sick, and we may not be consciously aware of it at all. In fact, some people develop “sympathetic dis-eases” that mirror the dis-eases of those they are close to. Also, there is almost always a certain emotional disharmony or imbalance in which “dis-eases” flourish. I truly believe that if someone is extremely strong, emotionally balanced,, and most importantly very aware, even faced with a torrent of sustained unhealthy energy , dis-ease need not occur.
We now live in a society in which each of us is never too far removed from either our own stresses or dis-eases, or those of our friends and loved ones. As I see it, there are three ways to deal with these life issues:
- Medicate the pain away(the choice of increasing numbers of people)
- Dull the pain with alcohol, drugs, overeating(and other distractions)
- Find ways to identify and release the pain.
Here’s how I see it: if there is any sense of entitlement in this life, this is it: Everyone has the right(and I think personal obligation too) to release the energy that may be causing a particular “dis-ease;” there is no reason on earth why anyone needs to walk around being controlled by past traumatic events, no matter how horrible. Release is available to each of us, but remember that releasing or letting go of these things is a process, just like anything else. And of course, everyone needs to find the perfect vehicle that accomplishes this release.
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